Are your fruit trees overgrown or under producing?

Fruit trees can get too big for their environment or purpose, blocking light, encroaching on other trees, buildings and paths. Signs of tree stress includes producing lots of small fruit, or dropping fruit before ripening, or flowering but not producing fruit?

Our qualified consulting arborist specialises in tree care plans to manage your larger trees and  retain aesthetic and production capabilities.

Are you wanting to maintain the established fruit trees on your new property?

We can inspect your tree assets, perform pruning, and check soil health.

Get in touch with us to develop a tree care plan to suit your wallet and needs.

Want to learn how to prune your own trees?

We believe anyone can learn to prune their own trees just like everyone has the capacity to learn to sing.

We provide information and pruning workshops to help you you learn to care for your trees. Contact us to find out more.

Call us on 0425 7227 63 for tailored care for your fruit tree.

And the last of the broad beans are leaving the bed.


And the last of the broad beans are leaving the bed.


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There will be no Qff (Queensland fruit fly) or other pests like birds, possums, bats or rats getting into these peach and nectarine trees this year. 
Insect proof zippered nets to get the rewards.


There will be no Qff (Queensland fruit fly) or other pests like birds, possums, bats or rats getting into these peach and nectarine trees this year.
Insect proof zippered nets to get the rewards.


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Spring rain light.

Spring rain light.


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Happy little avocado tree, gonna be big one day. Great to see good mulching protecting the root zone.
Can you see at least 6 fruit on the tree?


Happy little avocado tree, gonna be big one day. Great to see good mulching protecting the root zone.
Can you see at least 6 fruit on the tree?


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Zippered insect netting. Available in our shop. Link in bio


Zippered insect netting. Available in our shop. Link in bio


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